
Diversity in Projects and Technologies

Diversity in Projects and Technologies

The Federal Administration – boring, dusty and cumbersome? Find out here which projects and technologies we are using to push ahead with the Confederation's digitalisation in order to make Switzerland proud to be one of the world's most modern administrations.  



Join the movement to transform Swiss road travel. Develop predictive models and user-centric solutions for intelligent traffic management. Let's revolutionize commuting together!

Impressions from Previous Years

Impressions from Previous Years

Did you miss the FOITT at HackZurich 2020 and 2021? No problem: we have compiled our favourite moments for you.



Get in touch with us!

Do you have any questions about our projects, the various technologies we work with, or would you like to know which different forms of work you can choose from? Then write us on LinkedIn or visit our booth at the event. We are looking forward to meeting you!


Interested in joining the FOITT?

You can find all our vacancies on our federal jobs portal: www.stelle.admin.ch