Discreet Validator Web Service

For data protection reasons, certain applications may not allow the document to be validated to be sent to the Validator Service. The Discreet Validator solves this restriction by only transferring the hash value of the document as well as the signatures to the Validator Webservice for validation. The actual document remains with the client.

For the use of the Discreet Validator we provide:

  • The web service that does the actual validation. The web service provides a REST interface that can be used from various programming languages.
  • A Java CLI (Command Line Interface) application for using the web service from the command line. The installation of a Java 11 Runtime is a prerequisite for the use of the application.
  • A Java client library that can be integrated into a local Java application (desktop or JEE).

Please note that the use of the Discreet Validator is reserved for public authorities. Cantonal authorities should contact eOperations Switzerland in this regard. Communal authorities should contact the relevant contact person in their canton. Federal Administration bodies should contact the Digital Transformation and ICT Steering (DTI) division of the Federal Chancellery.

Contacts for the Discreet Validator

Contact person for cantons (and communes)

  • Contact person for cantons wishing to introduce the Discreet Validator:
    eOperations Schweiz [https://www.eoperations.ch]
    Speichergasse 39
    CH-3011 Bern
  • Contact person for cantons wishing to introduce the Discreet Validator:
    eOperations Schweiz [https://www.eoperations.ch]
    Speichergasse 39
    CH-3011 Bern
  • Contact person for communes wishing to introduce the Discreet Validator: Relevant cantonal contact person for eGov signature validator matters
  • Contact person for cantonal or communal staff already using the Discreet Validator and requiring support: Cantonal point of contact for first-level support